...On The Road...

So currently I'm somewhere in the southern part of Missouri, approaching Illinois. My lovely wife is taking a turn at driving as I've driven the vast majority of this road trip. We are on our way to Princeton, New Jersey for our much anticipated relocation. My classes at Princeton Theological Seminary begin on September 6th and we need to get out there to settle in to our new home.

We left on Monday; stayed in Las Cruces, New Mexico; booked it to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma last night; and tonight we will be in Terre Haute, Indiana (and no, not just because it's mentioned in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid).

All that's really been on my mind for these past couple of days has been yellow and white lines, but I am sure that I'll have a lot to talk about once we get out to Princeton and I start school.


Have a great - and safe - trip!