Coming Out Christian...

I have to thank my friend (and a mentor of mine) Steve Swope for turning me on to a new blog called Coming Out Christian. In her own words, Kimberly says that
"This blog is a place where real people with beating hearts and quick minds can gather to explore what for many people seems a paradox but for me has never a source of conflict – being gay and Christian in America."
I think that blogs like these are invaluable and indispensable to the conversation concerning the Church and homosexuality. On whichever side of the aisle you may find yourself, it's so very important that we ground ourselves in the real stories of real people who are the subject of such a large religious and political conversation. You've gotta know people and as soon as we begin to speak as though we don't know people, we've got to run to hear their stories and see their faces. I'm looking forward to reading future posts at Coming Out Christian. And yes... there are gay Christians... you should really read this blog...
