Free us From Comfort

"O God of comfort and God of challenge, we come to you... the way the Israelites sometimes did; full of complaints and dissatisfaction. Nothing is enough; we do not recognize your blessing at work in our day to day lives. We forget to see the bigger picture. Forgive us when we become so comfortable that we moan and groan about the most insignificant details of our lives. Renew us with a right spirit. Renew us in the power of your Holy Spirit."* In your son, Lord, our sins are forgiven. We are utterly clean and renewed by your blood. You have loved us according to our need and according to your goodness. Free us from our comfort and save us from the inertia of inaction. May we take up our cross and love as you have loved. Amen.

*(Rev. David A. Auten, used for the Unison Prayer of Confession at First Congregational Church of Ramona, 3/18/2012)
