King Day

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow
confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all
humanity.” _Martin Luther King Jr.

It's time to believe the man from Montgomery and follow the man from Nazareth. It's time to start really living by living for the least of these. It's time to open ourselves to salvation by opening ourselves to the least of these. Yes, we might be "saved" but do we actually live in our salvation or do we prefer "the narrow confines of individualistic concerns." To live out our identity in Christ--to be who we were created to be, who we really are, is to live a life for all and to see ourselves not in the "I" and "me" but in the eternal "we."

Today, do not forget the sacrifice of Christ and those who have participated and continue to participate in his sacrifice. Do not forget their example and their victory in Christ, the ultimate civil rights activist, the one in whom we live and move and have our being.
